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Visit at Blumenhofer with Christian Wenger (AVguide.ch)

We (Christian Wenger from AVguide.ch and me) paid a visit to Blumenhofer Acoustics to interview Thomas Blumenhofer and Andrea Vitali about the company and the upcoming news. We collected lots of impression, very positive impressions and have learnt which products will soon hit the market. Some of them are really exciting, some other will bring good chances to promote the brand. We will promptly inform You on this line.

We shot lot of pictures during the days and visited some professionals installation as well.

We enjoyed the warm welcome and the great atmosphere trough and trough. Here You can browse the pictures we shot and have a little feeling of what unique product are the Blumenhofer Acoustics loudspeakers. I hope that the pictures will be able to transfer their richness and flavors.

In a few weeks Christian Wenger will publish an article on the AVguide.ch pages about the company and the interviews of Thomas and Andrea. You will find the link in these pages as well.

Visit at Blumenhofer

Our visit at the Munich High End 2016

Even this year we have visited the Munich High End. Here there are some impressions about the show, at least of the Blumenhofer part of the Show.

Our visit at the Munich High End 2016

Visit to the Munich High End 2014

Here You can enjoy some nice pictures I have made during the Munich High End 2014.

As You know I supported the setup of Blumenhofer Acoustics, and here is the work we did: Blumenhofer Acoustics. Here You can read the post of Blumenhofer about the Munich High end. During the Show Blumenhofer presented the new Genuin FS 1 MKII, I'm looking forward to put my hands on one of those :-)

The other brands I support in Switzerland had as well a huge presentation at the Munich High End. Hereafter the pictures galleries I shoot on their booths:
- Cammino - with the post in their news here... they have been really spread!
btw. they claim that at Blumenhofer have been using High Fidelity cables... the facts are different if You take a good look at the pictures ;-)
- Dr. Feickert - has been present in a lot of rooms, here the complete list
- Gato Audio
- Hegel
Octave - presented the new pre-amplifier the HP-700
Blumenhofer - presented the new Genuin FS 1 MK II

See You at the Zürich High End, in October

Visit at the Munich High End 2014

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