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Merging-Nadac the top DACs now available trough Soundrevolution.ch

We take over the marketing of the Merging-Nadac products in Switzerland. These astonishing DACs, have borne from the professional audio experience of Merging, a leading company in its sector

Merging-Nadac through Soundrevolution

Manger finally back in Switzerland

At the Munich High End 2017, we met Daniela Manger, the owner of the traditional audio manufacturing company. After a very enjoyable discussion we agreed that we would have started to promote Manger in our portfolio.

Manger in Switzerland

Jelco Tonarme and accessories in Switzerland

We are expanding to become more and more specialised in analogue technology. We will be able to fulfil soon the needs of each music lover. Jelco is our new entry

Jelco in Switzerland

Soulines Turntables in Switzerland

We are improving our analogue offerings. Soulines from Serbia is now in our product portfolio.

Very nice and simple turntable based on a minimalistic concept.

Soulines Turntables

Product Pages

It is a long shot, but it is a start and we start with Hegel. We will add dedicated product pages, where we will add some content and information about the products we do have in distribution. Collecting useful links to reviews, videos and whatever we think is worth about the brands.

Hegel Product Pages

Audel in Switzerland

Audel in Switzerland

We have been able to work out a deal with a special brand of loudspeakers: Audel, from Italy. They are specialized in transmission line loudspeakers and have an amazing workmanship for wood... but this is not the reason, why we have decided to take them on board: the design and the sound were the drivers of this choice.

Audel Fred & Ginger

Foné in Switzerland

Foné in Switzerland

During the Munich High End 2016 we met Giulio Cesare Ricci, father of the Fonè recordings, at the Blumenhofer boot. He was presenting his latest LPs and explaining his way of working. Impressive quality, impressive production philosophy. Amazing. After a short discussion, we decided to work together for Switzerland. We are still ramping up the presence, but soon You will see more of the astonishing Fonè's products around.

Lavardin in Switzerland

Lavardin in Switzerland

Now it is official, we are the official distributor for Lavardin in Switzerland. We are looking forward for presenting their products at our retailers!
Here You can download the current price list.

Lavardin IT15

Einstein Audio in Switzerland

Einstein Audio in Switzerland

Einstein Audio, this brand is in our opinion one of the historic brands for HiFi musical reproduction. We received shortly before the CE Audio Show in Montreux the confirmation that we will cooperate with Einstein for the marketing of their products in Switzerland.

Einstein the Tune

We will support Thales in Switzerland

Thales Tonarm

We are step by step in the position to deliver complete solutions to our dealers. We just started a cooperation with the well known Thales Tonarm, a swiss company specialized in realization of pivot tonearms, able to play like tangential ones and eliminate one of the worst sources for errors in the analog setup.

Thales Tonarm

Valvet in Switzerland

We have just acquired a new gorgeous brand in our portfolio.
Velvet Audio builds Tube pre-amplifier and pure class A power amplifier.

Valvet Audio in Switzerland

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