NovitÀ da Soundrevolution

HiFi+ published a report about the Lavardin ISx


On the issue 144 Alan Sircom from HiFi+ published a 3 pages review about the Lavardin ISx integrated amplifier.
Here You can read the table of content of the issue 144 of HiFi+ and if You are interested, here You can read the whole article.

Article Lavardin ISx on HiFi+ 144

Renewing the Web Pages

Spring is a renovation time, our business increased and our product portfolio developed further in the analogue domain. For this reason our web pages became more and more clumsy and nothing but just a list of brands. It was time to spend a little bit more effort to permit our customer to find the relevant information with ease... even if this needs one click longer, it bears lot more content it is open to bear lot more information and suggestions for the dealers and the final customers.
We appreciate feedback.

Renewing the Web Pages

Jelco Tonarme and accessories in Switzerland

We are expanding to become more and more specialised in analogue technology. We will be able to fulfil soon the needs of each music lover. Jelco is our new entry

Jelco in Switzerland

Frühlings Hausmesse bei Zimmermann in Schaffausen am 25. März

ab 10 bis 20 Uhr. Geräte von Hegel, Music Hall, EJ und Plattensp. von SCHEU, bringen unsere Lautsprecher von Blumenhofer, Neat acoustic, zu musikalischem Hörgenuss der Superlative! 
Anmeldung erwünscht
High-End Audio Zimmermann - Kronenhalde 12 - Schaffhausen
Tel. 052 624 14 37

Hausmesse Zimmermann

Soulines Turntables in Switzerland

We are improving our analogue offerings. Soulines from Serbia is now in our product portfolio.
Very nice and simple turntable based on a minimalistic concept.

Soulines Turntables

Blumenhofer introduces the Fun 13 MK 2

After a long development, and about one year from the last sale of the Fun 13, Blumenhofer introduces the new Fun 13 MK 2.
Blumenhofer's goal was to keep the same friendly dimensions and the same friendly design of the predecessor. Not a bigger loudspeaker, but a far better sounding one.
The differences, technically speaking are 2:
- a new silk dome tweeter with 28mm diameter
- a new woofer same dimensions but with P2C membrane
The first production after the pre-series have left the company in the last weeks.
About the beginning of February it will be also available in Switzerland

Blumenhofer Fun 13 MK 2

Product Pages

It is a long shot, but it is a start and we start with Hegel. We will add dedicated product pages, where we will add some content and information about the products we do have in distribution. Collecting useful links to reviews, videos and whatever we think is worth about the brands.

Hegel Product Pages

Audel in Switzerland

Audel in Switzerland

We have been able to work out a deal with a special brand of loudspeakers: Audel, from Italy. They are specialized in transmission line loudspeakers and have an amazing workmanship for wood... but this is not the reason, why we have decided to take them on board: the design and the sound were the drivers of this choice.

Audel Fred & Ginger

Reportage about Blumenhofer Acoustics in

Es Lebe das Horn

Our friend at wrote a reportage of our visit on the 14th of November at Blumenhofer Acoustics (here). The article (in German) is amazing and shows the added value of Blumenhofer Acoustics and which are the ideas of Thomas and Andrea about the company and its products.
If You are curious about the article, You can read it here.

Es Lebe das Horn

Hegel Mohican earns the AVTech Media Award

We congratulate with Hegel for the new award as best HiFi Disc player for the Mohican. You can browse the awards here and what follows is the motivation of the award.

THE FACT THAT the Mohican CD player has no digital inputs, SACD playback or the ability to double up as a DAC caused a few raised eyebrows on the disc player’s launch, but sometimes it’s best to just concentrate on doing one thing, and doing it better than anyone else. Using a 32-bit AKMAK4490 converter run in native 16-bit/44.1kHz resolution, there’s no upsampling here – the result is a player that has a relaxed, natural and neutral sound that’s immensely satisfying to spend time with. If the Mohican is ‘The Last...’ CD player you ever buy, you won’t be disappointed... 

Hegel Mohican AVTech Media Award

New News

Armadillo News

We are moving in direction of a self hosted news system. Our choice went to Armadillo from Nimblehost. In a few days all older content will be transferred in the new platform. We are sure to offer a big improvement in the way the news will be handled and shared.

Visit at Blumenhofer with Christian Wenger (

We (Christian Wenger from and me) paid a visit to Blumenhofer Acoustics to interview Thomas Blumenhofer and Andrea Vitali about the company and the upcoming news. We collected lots of impression, very positive impressions and have learnt which products will soon hit the market. Some of them are really exciting, some other will bring good chances to promote the brand. We will promptly inform You on this line.
We shot lot of pictures during the days and visited some professionals installation as well.
We enjoyed the warm welcome and the great atmosphere trough and trough. Here You can browse the pictures we shot and have a little feeling of what unique product are the Blumenhofer Acoustics loudspeakers. I hope that the pictures will be able to transfer their richness and flavors.
In a few weeks Christian Wenger will publish an article on the pages about the company and the interviews of Thomas and Andrea. You will find the link in these pages as well.

Visit at Blumenhofer

Gato PWR-222 and PRD-3S earn reference award from Haute Fidélité

Reference for Gato PWR-222 and PRD-3S

The french magazine Haute Fidélité awards the Gato PWR-222 and the Gato PRD-3S the reference award in the october 2016 issue. The article is at page 92-96
Here You can download and read the french article as pdf file

Haute Fidélité reference award for Gato

Opening of the High End Studio Zimmermann - Schaffausen - Switzerland

Mr. Zimmermann is opening his new show room. Blumenhofer and Neat loudspeakers are the tool he has chosen to present his power amplifiers.

This is the statement of Mr. Zimmermann, the owner of the shop. He seemed quite happy about the result and the visitors.

Es war ein grosser Erfolg! - Am Samstag und Sonntag den 05.+ 06.11.16 besuchten uns viele fachkundige High-End interessierte.
Wir bedanken uns herzlich für Ihren Besuch.

Here some more pictures


Test Lavardin IS Reference Vollverstärker at


Christian Wenger from tested our Lavardin IS Reference Integrated Amplifier. Well, You should read it is a wonderful review that highlights all the strengths of the Lavardin in several combination. You can enjoy the reading here.
