News at Soundrevolution
German Physiks Emperor is Integraded Amplifier of the Year on Hi-Fi+
%Europe/Zurich %b %2021 Award, German-Physiks, ReviewHegel's start in 2018 with a big bang!
%Europe/Zurich %b %2018 Award, Hegel
Hegel starts 2018 with several good news. As You know at the first appointment of 2018, the CES, the American press publishes the 'product of the year' before, in this case 2017. Hegel has been able to earn a lot of awards.
Let's start:
- HEGEL Röst wins Product of The Year in Soundstage Networks. Soundstage is the leading online magazine for 2-channel audio in North America, and Hegel is very proud to have received this award. Here is the link to the award article, here to the original article of Al Griffin, and here to the original article of Oliver Amnuayphol. Both these reviewers awarded Editor's Choice

- Mohican is Product of The Year in The Absolute Sound (USA).
- H90 is Product of The Year in HiFi+ (UK). Here You can read the article.
- Rost is Product of The Year in The Ear (UK). Here You can read the award article and here the original article.
- Hegel also had a very good review of the H190 in HiFi News (UK) just now. Here You can read the article.
- Hegel H190 in (Norway). Here You can read the article.
- Hegel H190 in HiFi & Music (Norway - Denmark). Here You can read the article.
- Hegel H190 in HiFi Video Test (Holland). Here You can read the article.
- Hegel H90 in Stereoplay (Germany).
Hegel Mohican earns Golden Ear Award from The Absolute Sound
%Europe/Zurich %b %2017 Award, Hegel
The Hegel Mohican wins the Golden Ear Award from the Absolute Sound. It is amazing the quality that Hegel demonstrates with each of their products.
Valvet earned a Golden Ear award from
%Europe/Zurich %b %2017 Award, Valvet Audio
Valvet earned from Stereoplay the Golden Ear Award 2017 in the Preamplifier category.
Malte Ruhnke, the editor in chief, signed personally the award.
Here You can read the review that led to the award
Hegel Mohican earns the AVTech Media Award
%Europe/Zurich %b %2016 Award, Hegel
We congratulate with Hegel for the new award as best HiFi Disc player for the Mohican. You can browse the awards here and what follows is the motivation of the award.
THE FACT THAT the Mohican CD player has no digital inputs, SACD playback or the ability to double up as a DAC caused a few raised eyebrows on the disc player’s launch, but sometimes it’s best to just concentrate on doing one thing, and doing it better than anyone else. Using a 32-bit AKMAK4490 converter run in native 16-bit/44.1kHz resolution, there’s no upsampling here – the result is a player that has a relaxed, natural and neutral sound that’s immensely satisfying to spend time with. If the Mohican is ‘The Last...’ CD player you ever buy, you won’t be disappointed...
Gato PWR-222 and PRD-3S earn reference award from Haute Fidélité
%Europe/Zurich %b %2016 Award, Gato, Press
The french magazine Haute Fidélité awards the Gato PWR-222 and the Gato PRD-3S the reference award in the october 2016 issue. The article is at page 92-96
Here You can download and read the french article as pdf file
The Hegel HD30 DAC receives the EISA Award
%Europe/Zurich %b %2016 Award, Hegel, PressWe congratulate with our supplier Hegel, and we are proud to inform You all that the Hegel HD30 Power Amplifier receives the EISA Award for 2016-2017 as best product in the category High End DAC.
Here You can watch and read more information about it.
And here You can download the brochure of the the Hegel HD30
Here You can watch and read more information about it.
And here You can download the brochure of the the Hegel HD30
Fair Audio Award for the Blumenhofer Genuin FS 1 MK 2
%Europe/Zurich %b %2016 Award, Blumenhofer, Press
It hit us as a positive surprise, we were not aware that our Genuin FS 1 MK 2 was in the narrow choice for the award in the Tower loudspeakers category.
Our Genuin FS 1 MK 2 got a superb review on and on back in march 2015 and now the Fairaudio favourite Award. This is our first award.
Hegel H160 won Product of the Year award on the Absolute Sound
%Europe/Zurich %b %2015 Award, Hegel, Press
We are really happy to announce that the Hegel H160 won Amplifier of The Year in The Absolute Sound in the USA. After the EISA Award it is the second success achieved by our H160.
The Hegel H160 Power Amplifier receives the EISA Award
%Europe/Zurich %b %2015 Award, Hegel, PressWe congratulate with our supplier Hegel, and we are proud to inform You all that the Hegel H160 Power Amplifier receives the EISA Award for 2015-2016 as best product in the category Amplifier.
Here You can watch and read more information about it.
And here You can download the brochure of the the Hegel H160
Here You can watch and read more information about it.
And here You can download the brochure of the the Hegel H160